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How to Choose Good Quality and Healthy Rice

How to Choose Good Quality and Healthy Rice

Rice is the staple food of most parts of the world. The reason why rice has become a normal element in households worldwide is that it is easily compatible with different dishes and cuisines. It becomes part of the diet and meets the calorie requirements for 21% of the total body weight. The nutritional profile of rice includes a good share of fiber and contains a good percentage of carbs, proteins, phosphorus, and potassium. There are many varieties of rice, like brown rice, white rice, black rice, and red rice. The quality of the rice depends on its size, color, and texture, and choosing different varieties of rice depending on the dish will help increase the taste.

Consuming superior-quality rice not only enhances the taste but is also a good choice for improving your health as well.

Each country has different benchmarks when it comes to determining the quality of rice. There are many characteristics that need to be considered for good-quality rice grains.

Tips for Choosing Good Quality and Healthy Rice

Getting good-quality rice is not an easy option; it takes a lot of careful consideration to choose the right and healthy choice of rice. Let us look into some of the characteristics that have to be considered before choosing the right quality of rice:

1. The color of the rice

The color of the rice determines the quality of the rice. Most of the rice is mixed with many bleaches to give it its natural color. Rice’s whiteness and translucence are important aspects of its appearance. The color of the grain ranges from white to yellow. The yellowness of the rice grains is primarily due to the age and protein content of the rice. Avoid rice that is incredibly yellow. The cooking characteristics of rice are altered by the higher protein content, which increases the likelihood that the rice will undergo retrogradation cooling during cooking. The translucence of the rice grain depends on its crystallinity.

2. Attention to the rice texture

The rice that you choose can be considered quality when it breaks down under pressure. If it is of good quality, the rice will have a very strong texture and will not break when pressed. These rice grains are diabetic-friendly, as well as delicious and fluffy.
If the rice breaks easily under the pressure, then it means that the rice is not suitable for consumption. Pressing samples of rice to check if they break off is an easy way to determine the quality.

3. Length and width of the rice grain

There are three main sizes of rice: long, medium, and short grains. The best quality rice grains are determined by the size length to width ratio. Long rice grains have less starch, do not stick to each other, and become longer as they are cooked. Round and short grains have more starch content, and they become stickier after cooking. Medium grains have both long and short grains qualities. The length and width of the rice grains have to be uniform.

4. Uniformity in weight

The grain weight of the rice gives an insight into the size and density of the rice grains. Grains of different densities have different moisture contents and cook differently. The uniformity of weight in rice grains indicates the high quality of the rice.

5. Gelatinization temperature

Gelatinization is a chemical characteristic that can determine the quality of the rice. The gelatinization temperature is the temperature at which the starch in the rice starts cooking. The lower range of temperature cooks to a softer texture and retrograde less when compared to the rice grain at a higher gelatinization temperature.

Read To Know : Amazing Health Benefits of Brown Rice

6. Viscosity

Viscosity is a feature that determines the cooking properties of the rice grain. Rapid Visco Analysis (RVA), which simulates the cooking process, is a method used to determine the viscosity of rice grains. The viscosity of the rice grain is tested according to the resistance of the slurry against the paddle. The viscosity curves the rice, and the curve shows the quality and is unique to each type of rice.

7. Aroma

Choose rice with a natural aroma. There are rice grains available in the market that have an artificial aroma and smell; steer clear of such rice grains. The musty smell of the rice indicates that it is old and not edible for consumption. Trusting a good rice store will assist you in selecting the best-quality rice grains with minimal ambiguity and confusion.

8. Do not go for cheap rice

When the cost of rice is lower, there may be reasons why it can be priced at a lower price. The price has a direct reference to the quality of the rice. The taste and quality of the rice grains increase along with the higher price of the grains. Lower-priced grains can also be old stock.

9. Choose rice that is clean and free of impurities.

There is no dirt or other impurity in clean rice. The impurities include stone, rock, grain, etc. Rice free of impurities is good for health and much fresher. The taste of the rice is even better.

10. Cracks

Cracking of rice grains usually happens due to bad handling of grains during harvest. It can also happen due to changes in the moisture content of the rice grains. Cracking may result from variations in grain moisture over a 24-hour period. Rain on dry grain and grain that has been stored with varying levels of moisture can also cause cracking. The cracking of the grains also affects the cooking quality.

Read To Know : Most Popular Rice Varieties in Kerala?

Finding a reliable rice supplier is critical because rice accounts for the majority of people’s dietary needs. Past customer reviews of the suppliers should be valued for the quality of their rice grains. People’s health will suffer as a result of eating low-quality rice, and they will become sicker more frequently. Consider the above factors to make sure of the quality of the rice grains.

10 Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating in Real Life

10 Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating in Real Life

Healthy eating has become increasingly important, and many people are attempting to incorporate new ideas into their lives. Starvation is not an option for a healthy loss, and physical exercise is not the only solution for weight loss. Having a nutritious diet and good portion control is the key to weight loss and maintaining it in the long run. Eating your dinner early and keeping up with the schedule will aid in better digestion, thereby aiding in weight loss.

Best 10 Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating

Here are some simple dinner ideas that will help you spice up your weight loss journey.

1. Stuffed sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are abundantly nutritious and one of the tastiest root vegetables, preferred by many. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They are boiled and eaten, and they can be compatible with almost anything. For stuffed sweet potatoes, they are roasted first and then stuffed with different types of vegetables, like carrots, beans, and even any option of lean meat. It is a very filling meal and a well-balanced choice for dinner.

2. Lemon Rice

If you are someone who can’t think of a dinner meal without rice, then it is one of the best options for dinner. It is usually made out of leftover cooked rice. The rice used can be kept in the refrigerator, which kind of adds to the overall taste. The use of dals like urad and chana makes it a more tasty and healthy choice. The tanginess of lemon is what makes it stand out, and the overall cooking makes it a very light choice for the tummy.

3. Grain Bowls

Grain bowls are an absolute factory of nutrients and a very easy meal to make. They are filing and do not require you to sweat in the kitchen. It can be made of any kind of grain, but if you’re someone who is gluten-intolerant, then opt for grains like quinoa or brown rice. The grains are a rich source of fiber and nutrients like magnesium. A fibrous diet can actually help you avoid stomach-related diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases. A healthy and balanced diet will also include a balanced portion of vegetables and proteins in the grain bowl.

4. Dinner Salad

Dinner salads are a good go-to healthy option, especially if you aren’t up for full-fledged cooking. Salads have to be well-balanced, or else they tend to be extremely light and cause you to binge eat later in the night. The key to making a sumptuous salad is to include carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, and fibers in a balanced proportion. Choosing a good set of vegetables like salad spinach, cucumbers, carrots, or anything of your choice The next step is to add in a source of protein, which can be chicken, salmon, or even paneer or tofu. They can be grilled or cooked. Do not go overboard with dressing; you can use balsamic vinegar as a light dressing. Voila! Your dinner salad is ready.

5. Brown Pasta

Pasta is a delicious dinner option. But, here, we aren’t talking about all-purpose flour; we are speaking about the much healthier option of choosing brown rice pasta, which can help you feel full until breakfast. You can choose brown pasta or even wheat pasta. The next step is to choose a good source of protein, like breast chicken or ground chicken. As a plant option, you can choose chickpeas. The most commonly paired vegetables are spinach and broccoli.

Read To Know : 8 Easy Vermicelli Breakfast Recipes

6. Soups

Soups are usually considered starters for a meal, but they have enough qualities to become a meal by themselves. A hot bowl of soup is extremely easy to make and can be made in large quantities in no time. It is not advisable to add elements that can increase the fat content of the soup-like dressing. You can choose the main ingredient of the soup to be either vegetables, chicken, or any other lean meat.

7. Burgers

In shock!? Burgers are usually considered junk food, but with some good and effective changes in the ingredients, they can be a very filling dinner idea. Use a multigrain bun instead of a maida bun, and avoid too many sauces. In addition, instead of using beef or another red meat patty, you can use lean meat such as chicken in the burger. Avoid pickled vegetables and use fresh vegetables instead.

8. Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is a rice substitute that uses grated cauliflower as the main ingredient. The grated cauliflower is stir-fried in the wok along with ginger and garlic. Other ingredients used to fold the rice include lemon and chile sauce, which give it a zesty and tangy flavor. A guilt-free variation of popular order-in food.

9. Paneer and chapati wrap

This is one of the easiest and most comfortable meals for dinner. Paneer has to be marinated in spice powders like chilly powder, salt, and ginger-garlic paste. Shallow-fry it in a little oil. Then, saute the capsicum and onion in the leftover oil. You’ll also need some leftover chapati. Spread some curd on the chapati and arrange the vegetables on top.

10. Grilled chicken cucumber salad

This dinner idea is an easy and tasty one. Boneless chicken has to be marinated in salt, pepper, and a little cornstarch. Keep it aside for 15 minutes, and then shallow fry it. Cut cucumbers lengthwise and also chop in some garlic pods and ginger. Use the oil that is used for shallow frying chicken and warm it up. Add garlic and ginger to the oil. And then stir-fry the cucumbers in soy sauce. Add in the chicken, and your grilled chicken cucumber salad is ready!

A light dinner and having it at a reasonable hour is the best way to promote healthy weight loss. These suggestions will undoubtedly broaden your food palate while preventing binge eating.

Read To Know : Simple And Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Kids

Vinegar Health Benefits

Surprising Health Benefits Of Vinegar You Should Know

There aren’t many things that can be used as a cleaning agent and a coveted cooking component simultaneously. The French word “vin aigre,” or sour wine, is the source of the word “vinegar.” It has a long history of being utilised not only for cooking but also as a medication, preservative, and beverage to increase energy and promote wellness.

A two-step fermentation process is used to create vinegar, which is made up of acetic acid and water. Initially, yeast consumes any liquid derived from plant foods like fruits, whole grains, potatoes, or rice and feeds on the sugar or starch in those foods. Alcohol is produced during the fermentation of this liquid. The alcohol continues to ferment for several weeks or months after being exposed to oxygen and the acetic acid bacterium Acetobacter, turning the alcohol into vinegar.

Types Of Vinegar

Different fruits, rice, barley, and other sugar-rich foods are used to make vinegar. Examples include fruit vinegar, rice wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, white distilled vinegar, and balsamic vinegar. The degree of acidity might vary depending on the type. Various vinegar varieties are more popular in various nations and regions of the world. The antioxidants and health benefits of vinegar are its defining characteristics.

Health Benefits Of Vinegar

Although many people probably aren’t aware of it, vinegar, including apple cider variations, has health benefits. The active component in vinegar, acetic acid, as well as other ingredients like the polyphenols or antioxidants present in different vinegars, are still being studied by scientists for their potential health advantages.


People with diabetes are said to benefit from using apple cider vinegar to control their blood sugar levels. According to some research, drinking vinegar after a meal high in carbohydrates can increase insulin sensitivity by up to 34% and considerably lower blood sugar levels. A healthcare provider should be consulted before using apple cider vinegar, though, if you are on medication to treat diabetes.


Heart disease and stroke are known to be risk factors for high triglyceride levels in the blood. There are dietary methods for reducing these blood fats, but adding vinegar to the mix may be helpful. One or two tablespoons of vinegar each day over a period of 12 weeks was connected to lower triglycerides, according to a Japanese study of obese males.


Our risk for getting heart disease is correlated with a number of biological factors, and apple cider vinegar may be beneficial. Studies have shown that it reduced blood pressure, blood triglycerides, and cholesterol in animals, albeit this has not been established decisively. This could imply that it would still be effective for maintaining human heart health.


As a weight loss tool, apple cider vinegar is occasionally suggested. This is due to the possibility that it will make you feel full. If you want to lose weight, get rid of belly fat, and eat fewer calories, utilising apple cider vinegar could be able to assist. Although its long-term benefits on weight loss are unknown, they are probably minimal unless a person also adopts other dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Read To Know : How To Make Your Diet Healthier


Apple cider vinegar functions as a preservative just like other varieties of vinegar. Vinegar has been used for thousands of years as a pickling agent to preserve food. The food’s enzymes are disabled and any germs that may otherwise spoil it are eliminated by increasing the acidity of the meal, which is how it works.


It’s recommended to dab little amounts of diluted apple cider vinegar over pimples to help clear them up. However, apple cider vinegar that has not been diluted is extremely acidic and should not be applied to the skin without first diluting it.


Since apple cider vinegar is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial qualities, it has long been used to treat sore throats. Due to its effectiveness in preventing cavities and removing bad breath, it is also a powerful organic mouthwash. Make cautious to dilute it in water before gargling because it has an acidic tendency that can destroy bacteria but also burn your throat.


There are serious health issues related to pesticides on fruits and vegetables. All of these toxins are difficult to remove from the surface with just water. The acidic, anti-microbial, and antioxidant qualities of apple cider vinegar are helpful in this situation. Apple cider vinegar has been demonstrated to destroy pathogens including E. coli and Salmonella when used as a fruit and vegetable wash.


Both savory and sweet dishes can benefit from vinegar’s ability to enhance flavor. Add some vinegar to a soup, such as a lentil or minestrone, to enhance the flavor rather than a little salt. The same holds true for stews made with meat and vegetables. Double Horse Synthetic Vinegar may improve the flavors of practically any dish by adding a few drops.

Read To Know : 5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes

Prepare Palada Payasam

How To Prepare Delicious Kerala Palada Payasam

Celebration? Then, Keralites need payasam. And, if it’s Palada, then even the mundane becomes festive. Palada payasam is synonymous with home for every Keralite. Wherever they are in the world, a cup of Palada is all they need to reminisce about their home turf. Payasam, or Kheer, is a staple dessert of the Kerala household. The variety of this dish is not limited to Palada but also to many other varieties like Semiya, Adapradhaman, Parippu, and so on. The main components of payasam will be milk, jaggery, sugar, cashew nuts, ghee, raisins, etc. According to the kind of kheer, the main element changes, it can be cereals, grains, dals, fruits, etc.

How To Make Palada Payasam

Let us now look at the recipe of how to make the traditional and all-time favorite palada payasam.

Ada Preparation for Palada Payasam


  • One cup of rice flour
  • ¼ cup of water, depending on the amount of rice flour taken
  • Coconut oil, two tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt
  • To spread the dough, use fresh or frozen banana leaves.


  • To create a soft dough, bring the water to a boil in a bowl before stirring in the rice flour and coconut oil.
  • After cleaning and wiping the plantain leaf pieces, spread the oil on the underside of each piece.
  • It is best to roll the rice flour dough into small balls and then spread it as thinly as you can.
  • After that, start drawing grill-like crisscross patterns with smaller cubes using a toothpick.
  • In a big, wide pan, add water, and then allow it to come to a boil. Once the water has come to a rolling boil, add the banana leaves with the ada and the flour batter. After two to three minutes, or until the batter becomes transparent, remove the banana leaves from the pot.
  • Remove it from the pan and place it in a different container filled with warm water.
  • It should be strained and thoroughly rinsed with cool water three or more times to remove all of the extra oily stickiness.

You can also purchase readymade rice ada to prepare Palada payasam.

Palada Preparation


  • 3 cups of full milk
  • Ghee, as required
  • ¼ cup of ada
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • ¼ spoon of cardamom or elaichi powder; green cardamom
  • Raisins, optional ( if using, soak it in water beforehand)
  • You can use dry fruits for garnishing like pistachios, cashew nuts, badam etc.


  • The rice ada has to be rinsed thoroughly and has to be soaked in hot water for the flakes to soften. Once that is done, strain it using a good strainer. It will take a few minutes to drain the water.
  • Once dried, the soaked ada should be sauteed in ghee at a low flame, make sure not to burn it.
  • Dry fruits, of your choice, can also be sauteed in the same pan until you get a good aroma.
  • The milk should be boiled, then simmered until its volume has slightly decreased.
  • At this point, add the sugar, ada, cardamom powder, raisins that have been soaked, and saffron.
  • The rice ada should get cooked evenly but should not turn mushy.
  • Stirring the mixture occasionally makes sure that the payasam will not get burnt.
  • Switch off the flame only when the payasam has turned creamy and gives a slight pink hue.
  • Garnish it with sauteed dry fruits.

The aroma that fills the home during the preparation of Palada, itself transports every Malayali back to their roots.

This is how to prepare Delicious Kerala Palada Payasam!

Double Horse is the most popular brand name for Malayalis, and we take immense pride in representing “home” for them far and across the globe. Double Horse takes impeccable care in the manufacturing of all kinds of spice powders, breakfast mixes, and now has its own exclusive line of readymade payasam mixes. The instant mix of payasam is all you need to relish after a sumptuous meal.

Read To Know: Best Tips To Make Soft and Tasty Palappam


Top 10 Foods You Must Try When You Are in Kerala

Top 10 Foods You Must Try When You Are in Kerala

The first thing that comes to one’s mind when they hear “Kerala” will be the serene greenery it is famous for, the second best thing will be the lip-smacking cuisine of the place. Kerala is home to a variety of different cuisines, which makes it a foodie’s paradise. The preparation style varies from one end to the other, and therefore gives your tastebuds an immense opportunity to explore. Being said, there are certain dishes that are a must-try when you plan your visit to Kerala. This blog tries to help you streamline your food choices for your next visit to Kerala.

Best 10 Foods You Must Try in Kerala

1. Malabar Parotta And Beef Curry

Parotta is usually confused with the parathas of the North. But this mistaken similarity is only with the round of words and it is kind of called the most favorite dish of Keralites. This flaky bread is made with plain flour or maida after kneading the dough and spreading it in a very different style. A good parotta will always have good resonance with how it is being made. Malabar Parotta has its home in the Malabar region of Kerala. Pairing it with non-vegetarian or vegetarian curry doesn’t bring down the taste. But the most exquisite pairing with porotta will go to beef curry. The beef curry is a combination of onions, tomatoes, garlic, and a whole list of spices, and small pieces of beef are simmered into the same, making it an aromatic thick gravy.

2. Appam and Stew

Appam is one of the light-hearted delicacies that is mostly served as breakfast but can be eaten at any time because of its lightness. It is made of fermented rice and coconut milk. The other ingredients in appam will be a little bit of yeast to initiate the fermentation and sugar to give it sweetness. The making of appam is also done in a different kadai, which is known as “appachatti.” Appachatti is deeper than the usual kadai, and once a ladle of the batter is poured, a swift round motion is given to it to get its given crispy-edge shape. Ishtu, or stew, is the most demanded and best side dish, which is served with appam. The dish is again made with spices, vegetables, and coconut milk. The stew can either be made of only vegetables or can be a mix of both vegetables and a non-veg of your choice, usually, it is beef or chicken.

3. Puttu and Kadala

Puttu is one of the staple breakfasts served all over Kerala. It is rice flour mixed with salt and water and steamed with grated coconut to form large logs. Black chickpea curry, or Kadala curry, is the most famous combination when it comes to having puttu. Kadala curry is a combination of roasted coconut with spices, combined with coconut milk. It is a spicy dish with thick gravy and is extremely nutritious. Puttu is also served best with small, ripe bananas and pappad.

Read To Know : Must Try Puttu Varieties in Kerala

4. Karimeen Pollichathu

Kerala is quite known for its seafood culinary experience and the most famous among them will be Karimeen Pollichathu. Karimeen, or pearl spot, is a common fish that is seen in the backwaters of Kerala. The dish is prepared after marinating the fish in chili powder, spices, salt, and lemon juice. It is then wrapped in baked plantain leaves and cooked through. This gives the dish a fresh aroma from the plantain leaves and the slow cooking of all the ingredients. This unique dish of the Syrian Christians of Kerala is now an unavoidable part of Kerala’s cuisine.

5. Erissery or Pumpkin Lentil Curry

Erissery is a part of the Sadhya, which Keralites are very proud of. It is a vegetarian dish made from raw plantains or sliced yams. Slightly sweet pumpkins are boiled in water with salt, green chilies. Once the pumpkin is cooked, then grated coconut, dried lentils, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, and garlic, are added together to make a medium gravy consistency. The curry can be served hot with white or brown rice.

6. Pazhampori or Banana Fritters

It is a favorite snack-time delicacy in Kerala. A steaming cup of tea or coffee paired with pazhampori is craving for every Keralite. It is made either through dipping ripe bananas in the batter of atta flour or plain flour and fried in coconut oil and served hot.

7. Palada Payasam

Without Palada, the festive season or special occasions in Kerala remain incomplete. Palada is a dish made out of milk, rice, and sugar. Rice is put in the form of rice ada. The traditional preparation will have to put in all these and stir them to combine to form with a thick but running consistency. You can now also get instant packs, which will help you relish these dishes easily.

Read To Know : Top 5 Payasams in Kerala

8. Kerala Prawn Curry

It is one of the well-known dishes from the Malabar region. It is made with a blend of ingredients like fenugreek seeds, black mustard seeds, fennel seeds, coconut milk, and green chili. The use of kudampuli or brindleberry is one of the main ingredients that give it its unique taste. The prawns are marinated in spice powders and kept aside, then boiled with the rest of the mix along with drumsticks to give you the sour, sweet, and tangy taste.

9. Thalassery Biriyani

Biriyani is kind of emotion for Keralite and when it is Thalassery Biriyani it becomes definite. Thalassery Biriyani uses a different kind of rice called “Kaima,” which is a fragrant and very small form of rice. The rice and chicken or beef gravy are cooked separately and layered, then mixed just before serving. There is a technique that is used just after the biryani is layered where a heavy lid is placed on the vessel that has the biryani and sealed with dough, which helps infuse the flavors intact, and opened just before serving.

10. Fish Moilee

Fish moilee, or fish stew, is a Christian delicacy. The fish curry is prepared in Manchatti, which gives it that earthen taste. The fish is lightly fried with turmeric, pepper, spices, and cinnamon, and cooked along with green chillies. The fish usually taken for fish moilee will be either seer fish or king fish. The fish is marinated with spice powders before adding it to the gravy.

Double Horse is one of the leading brands that provide the most authentic taste of Kerala. We have brought different spice lines and food powders, which include appam, idiyappam, puttu, etc. Choose Double Horse to get the taste of Kerala.

Health Benefits Of Ragi Powder

Health Benefits Of Ragi Powder You Should Know

Ragi, or Finger Millet, is a popular grain in southern India and across Africa. They call it the “miracle grain” for its ability to help people cut calories and shed pounds. It’s a great source of calcium and fiber. It’s often regarded as the most effective treatment for diabetics. In southern India, it is also frequently used as a baby food. Ragi porridge is given to babies after 28 days to aid in their digestion. The high levels of calcium and iron in this will aid in the development of strong bones in the newborn.

Incorporating ragi into one’s diet can complement various health and fitness regimens, including HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Combining the nutritional benefits of ragi with the metabolic boost from HIIT workouts can enhance calorie burn and promote overall well-being. By pairing these two elements, individuals can embark on a holistic approach to health, harnessing the power of both nutrition and exercise to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.

Ragi’s Positive Effects on Your Health

1) Fights anemia

Ragi is a good source of iron that comes from nature. Because of this, it is very good for people with low cholesterol levels and anemia. Consuming ragi powder enables iron to get into the blood system easily.

2) Rich in Protein

Eleusinian is the most important protein in ragi. This protein helps avoid undernutrition and is thought to be a good way for vegans to get protein. Ragi has 5% of its total protein that comes from the amino acid methionine.

3) Sleep Inducer

The use of ragi can assist in calming the nerves and lowering levels of tension. Because of this, many people utilize it as a treatment for headaches and sleeplessness. The existence of an amino acid known as tryptophan, which plays a role in the relaxation of nerves, is responsible for this phenomenon.

4) Induces Weight Loss

Because it has a significant level of fiber, ragi helps to keep your belly full and prevents you from indulging in undesirable desires. This contributes to healthier weight loss. Your body’s insulin production is increased while the quantity of sugar in your blood is lowered.

5) Slows Down the Aging Process

Ragi is an anti-aging cereal and natural skincare product. Ragi contains essential amino acids, including Methionine and Lysine, which help prevent skin problems like blemishes, scars, and dryness. Antioxidants in Ragi assist your body deal with stress, which slows down the aging process. It refreshes your appearance by renewing your skin’s cells. Vitamin E is included in ragi and is great for your skin. Vitamin E aids in the healing process of cuts and scrapes. The skin is lubricated, and a shielded barrier is formed, allowing the skin to expand.

6) Improves the Structural Integrity of Bones

Dairy products are the most common source of calcium. However, Ragi is another food that is high in calcium and positively affects bones and teeth. Human bones need calcium to develop and to prevent osteoporosis, which means bones become weak and fragile. Eating ragi porridge instead of calcium pills is recommended.

7) Ragi Benefits Hair Health

Because of its high protein content, ragi can be used to stop hair loss. Those experiencing balding or thinning hair should give it a try. Hair is a protein, so getting enough of it is essential. The protein keratin is the most abundant in hair. Deficiencies in protein can result in thinning hair, but adding ragi to your diet will help you avoid that problem and make your hair stronger. They say that consuming ragi regularly can delay the onset of grey hair.

8) Strengthens Heart Health

Neither salt nor cholesterol can be found in ragi. That’s why those who have cardiac problems can safely ingest it. The high vitamin and fiber content promotes elevated levels of HDL, the “good cholesterol.” Therefore, it improves cardiovascular health by preventing the buildup of fatty deposits in the blood vessels.

9) Boosts Milk Supply in Nursing Mothers

Ragi is excellent for lactating women because it raises hemoglobin levels, which in turn encourages higher milk production. As a result, there was more lactation. Including green ragi in a nursing mother’s diet has several health benefits for both the mother and the kid.

10) Avoiding Diabetes

Ragi has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, lowering the risk of diabetes in those who consume it regularly. This is due to ragi’s high levels of polyphenols and dietary fiber. In comparison to other whole wheat grains, Ragi’s fiber content is extremely high. Regular ragi consumption has been shown to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels. Due to its absorbent properties, ragi reduces the amount of starch your body is able to process. Because of this, those who regularly ingest ragi rarely experience feelings of hunger.

Read To Know : How To Make Your Diet Healthier

11) Promotes digestion

Ragi’s high fiber content aids digestion. Ragi helps your body move food more efficiently, so that it doesn’t become stuck in your intestines, and it helps your body hold on to water so that it can flush out waste more efficiently. Ragi, then, is a healthful cereal that provides a wealth of nutrients. However, you may assure a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a variety of ragi meals. This nutritious breakfast cereal may be used in a variety of ways, from dosas to ragi balls, and can help you maintain your fitness and health all day long.

Winding Up

Ragi is easy to make and perfect as an alternative to rice or other grains. It can be eaten at any time of the day. It can be used as a side dish with a meal or as a snack by itself. You can also add a bit of butter or ghee to make it more palatable if you wish. To make sure that your body is getting all of the benefits from this nutritious grain, mix it with a type of flour that is easy to digest and that has been cooked.

Read To Know : Simple And Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Kids

Healthy Breakfast For Kids

Simple And Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Kids

Preparing breakfast for kids is a herculean task for parents. The children get bored with items quickly. They want a variety of food items daily. Otherwise, it is going to be difficult to make them eat. Here we have listed ten simple and healthy breakfast recipes for kids you can try at home. It would taste yummy if you try these with Double Horse food products.

1. Ragi Dosa

Ragi or Finger Millet is a nutritious food grain suggested for kids. Including ragi in breakfast will help is healthy, as well as, it would help to regularize metabolic activities.


  • ¾ cup ragi flour
  • ¼ cup wheat flour or atta
  • Semolina 2-3 tb spoon
  • Grated vegetables (tomato, onion, carrot)
  • Green chillies (as required)
  • Curry leaves
  • Curd 1 spoon
  • Water, as required
  • Cumin seeds
  • Oil 3 tb spoon
  • Salt


  • Mix all the ingredients and prepare the batter. It is advised to add water in portions. Otherwise, the dough may turn watery. Prevent the formation of lumps by mixing the batter thoroughly.
  • Heat a pan on low fire and spread oil
  • Spread the batter evenly and wait for the dosa to turn into golden colour
  • Cook both the sides
  • Your Ragi Dosa is ready, Serve with sambar, chutney or any other curry

2. Vegetable Poha

Poha is a healthy breakfast item that doesn’t require to be cooked. The flattened rice (poha) you use must be clean and of good quality. Then only you can expect the delicacy to be tasty.


  • 1 ½ cups of Double Horse poha
  • 1 onion (chopped)
  • 1 potato (diced)
  • 1 carrot (chopped)
  • Green chilli (chopped) as required (Only a little, as the preparation, is intended for kids)
  • Curry leaves
  • Peanut (if you need)
  • Chana, Urad dal, mustard Seed, cumin seed (1/2 tsp each)
  • Turmeric powder (1/4 tsp)
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil (2 tb spoon)
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice (1 tb spoon)


  • Wash poha, filter the water and keep it for a few minutes for it to become soft
  • Heat oil in a pan and put chana, urad dal, mustard seed, and cumin seed
  • Once the dal is fried put green chilly and saute for a minute
  • Add curry leaves and onion
  • Wait until the onion is cooked. Then add vegetables, salt, and turmeric.
  • Close the pan and wait for the vegetables to cook
  • Add poha and cook it on a low flame for about 30 seconds to a minute
  • Add lemon juice
  • Vegetable poha is ready

3. Uttapam

Uttapam is one of the most famous and healthy breakfast dishes. It is so tasty that your kid will like it. Added with vegetables, it is a nutritious choice for breakfast.


  • Batter made of rice and urad dal in the right proportion (It should be prepared the previous evening for it to ferment)
  • Chopped vegetables including tomatoes, onion, and cilantro (1 cup)
  • Carrots grated (1/2 cup)
  • Oil (2 tb spoon)


  • Heat the skillet and spread oil (You can use a skillet or flat tava for preparing uttapam)
  • Spread the batter evenly (It should only be a thin layer to make the Uttapam crispy and tasty)
  • Sprinkle the chopped and grated vegetables on top and cover the pan with a lid
  • Wait for it to be cooked
  • Your Uttapam is ready. Serve it with chutney or sambar

4. Semiya Upma

Semiya desert you might know. Did you know that you can use Double Horse semiya for preparing a tasty breakfast? Semiya upma can be prepared in minutes. Your kid is going to love this food item.


  • Roasted vermicelli (1 cup)
  • Chopped carrots (as required)
  • ¼ cup green peas
  • Chillies chopped (as required)
  • Ginger grated (1 tsp)
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • Cashew nuts and peanuts
  • Oil
  • Water (as required)
  • Salt


  • Heat pan and add oil
  • Add the seasoning and nuts and saute for about three minutes (until the nuts turn golden brown)
  • Add chillies, ginger, and curry leaves
  • After cooking the above items for another one minute, add onions and saute for a minute
  • Add the remaining vegetables
  • Add salt and turmeric. Saute for a minute
  • Add water and wait for it to boil (avoid adding too much water)
  • Once the vegetables are cooked, add vermicelli
  • Cook the vermicelli for a couple of minutes, keeping it covered
  • Garnish it with curry leaves again
  • Serve hot

5. Chapati Rolls

Chapati role is another tasty breakfast item suitable for children and adults alike. You must use soft chapatis for preparing this dish. Otherwise, the rolls will not have the taste you expect.


  • Chapati made of Double Horse atta
  • Chopped onions, tomatoes, carrots and other vegetables you want to use
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Sauce or garam masala (You can decide depending on your taste)


  • Heat pan and fry the vegetables
  • Add salt and masala or sauce and cook for a minute or two
  • Sprinkle the mix on the chapatis and roll it

Double Horse food products and readymade mix are the best ingredients for preparing tasty breakfast dishes for your kid. Try it today and let us know how it was.

Read To Know : 5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes

Top 10 Onam Traditional Recipes To Celebrate

Top 10 Traditional Recipes To Celebrate Onam

With Onam right around the corner, every Kerala household is setting themselves up for the festivities. Onam is the epitome of prosperity and is considered a brand new beginning for every Keralite. Onam also fills the platter by getting everyone back to their roots in the most traditional cuisine. These special dishes are not frequent or on a regular basis because of their specialty. Let us make this onam a grand one by getting a better sneak peek at these traditional Onam sadya dishes.

Best 10 Traditional Onam Recipes

1. Aviyal

Aviyal is itself royalty when it comes to all the other dishes on the sadya. It is almost every malayalis and non- malayalis favorite dish. Let us look into the aviyal recipe with vegetables like Yam, Drumstick, Cluster Beans, Snake gourd, Raw Banana, and Carrot Cucumber

  • Peel every vegetable and cut them up into 2” long shapes.
  • Grind the coconut, green chilli and cumin seeds into a coarse paste with little water.
  • Wash and cook vegetables in a pot of water and add a little bit of turmeric. Wait till the vegetables are half-cooked.
  • Make a small well between the half cooked vegetables and add in the grinded mixture and close the lid.
  • After 5 minutes, open the lid and add curd and curry leaves and mix for a minute. If you are using raw mango, you can skip this step.
  • Keep the flame to low and make sure that all the vegetables are well-cooked and have blended well.
  • Once cooked, add in curry leaves and a little bit of coconut oil over top of the mixture.
  • The dish is ready to go!

2. Erissery

Erissery is a lip-smacking mildly-spicy dish. This is again a blend of coconut and garlic. Let us give a quick look:

  • Soak the red cow beans overnight. Then take the soaked beans and pressure cook it with chilly powder, turmeric powder and salt for 4-5 whistles.
  • Once the beans are cooked, add in the pumpkin and cook until soft.
  • Slowly mash the pumpkin to form a thick mixture.
  • Grind coconut, garlic, green chilly and small onions coarsely.
  • Add this paste to the pumpkin-beans mixture.
  • For tempering, heat a pan with oil and add dry chillies, mustard seeds, curry leaves and let them sputter.
  • Add this tempering over the pumpkin, bean and coconut mixture.
  • Serve hot.

3. Pulissery

Pulissery is a sweet and sour curd based dish. It is served as an ozhichu curry, which means it’s eaten together with rice and other curries. It is a very light and heart-warming dish.

  • Cook ripe banana with water along with chilly, turmeric, and chilly powder. Put down the flame once the banana is soft.
  • Grind coconut, cumin seeds, garlic, curry leaves with curd to paste.
  • Add this paste to the banana mixture and mix them thoroughly in a low flame.
  • Once the banana mixture blends well with the paste; add in the rest of the curd and mix well.
  • In a pan, add some oil. To it, add dry chilly, curry leaves, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds and let it sputter.
  • Pour this mixture into the banana curd mixture.
  • Enjoy the sweet and sour pulissery.

4. Pachadi

Pachadi is a traditional delicacy which is a different take on the cucumber raita. In this, we add ground coconut which enhances the flavour and texture of the curry.

  • Grind coconut, cumin seeds, and green chilli and mustard seeds into a coarse paste. Add in water and grind to get a smooth texture.
  • Peel and dice the cucumber into small pieces and add it into a pan and add water to cook them thoroughly.
  • Once the cucumber is cooked, add the ground paste and mix well.
  • Once blended well, add beaten curd into the warm mixture and mix well.
  • You can also give in a tempering with dried chillies, curry leaves and mustard seeds.

5. Paal Payasam

Paal Payasam or Rice Kheer is a very easy to make dessert recipe and one among the prominent ones in Onam Sadya. Its simplicity but regality makes it irresistible for anyone’s appetite.

  • Boil 5 cups of milk in a pan.
  • Add in the soaked rice and cook well.
  • Once the rice is cooked, mash them up to form a creamy consistency.
  • Add in another cup of milk to retain the flowing consistency.
  • Add in sugar.
  • Stir well and make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour in roasted nuts and cardamom powder into the payasam.
  • Serve hot or serve chilled.

6. Palada payasam

Palada payasam will be a Kerala dessert which might have no haters at all. A good palada payasam has the ability to evoke mind and body alike into a fine tune of taste.

  • Boil water and add ada to it to cook them well.
  • After 10-15 mins remove from flame and run in cold water so that the ada doesn’t overcook.
  • Take a saucepan and boil milk and sugar together till the quantity becomes half of what you had poured in initially.
  • Once reduced, add ada and mix thoroughly.
  • Once the consistency becomes creamy, switch the gas off.
  • Serve hot.

7. Olan

Olan is a delicious dish made with red cowpeas and white pumpkin with coconut milk. Let’s look at how it’s prepared:

  • Soak the cowpeas overnight and cook them the next day in a pressure cooker with enough salt.
  • The cowpeas should come out tender and cooked well.
  • Dice and chop the white pumpkin into small pieces.
  • Take a pan, sputter the mustard seeds and curry leaves and then add in the ash gourd.
  • Use water to boil the ash gourd or white pumpkin.
  • Make sure the ash gourd is cooked and there is little water remaining in the pan.
  • Add in the cowpeas without the stock to the cooked ash gourd in the pan.
  • Add one cup of thick coconut milk and heat them up, do not boil.
  • Add curry leaves, your dish is ready to serve.

8. Kalan

Kalan is a curd or yoghurt based dish which is a traditional accompaniment during festive seasons in Kerala.

  • Take a pan and add sliced or cubed raw plantain and yam into it.
  • Add chilli, curry leaves, turmeric, chilli powder, pepper.
  • Add water to the mixture and bring it to a boil.
  • Once the contents are half-cooked, add in methi powder and salt to it.
  • Boil and make sure the vegetables are cooked thoroughly.
  • Prepare a masala paste with coconut, cumin seeds and green chilli and add that into the vegetables and mix well until the raw smell wears off.
  • Turn off the flame and add the beaten curd into it.
  • Mix them into a silky smooth consistency.
  • Add tempering and serve hot.

9. Ulli Theeyal

Ulli Theeyal is a very simple and easy dish to make.Let us see how:

  • Roast all spices and curry powders.
  • Add coconut to it and roast it till it changes its colour to dark brown but do not burn it.
  • Cool the mixture and then grind it using a blender.
  • Add water to make it into a fine paste.
  • Heat coconut oil and splutter mustard, methi, pinch hing and few curry leaves.
  • Add in shallots, turmeric and salt and saute for a minute
  • Once the shallots shrink, add tamarind extract and mix well.
  • Boil the mixture.
  • Add in the coconut paste.
  • Add water and boil the mixture.
  • Cut off the flame when it becomes thick enough
  • Serve hot.

10. Dates Puli Inji

It’s a slightly different take on the usual inji puli served during sadhya.

  • Boil tamarind in water for 5 minutes and wait for 15 minutes for it to cool down.
  • Squeeze and prepare the tamarind extract.
  • Heat oil and fry ginger and chilly and turn off the flame once the ginger is golden brown in colour.
  • Add dates and then fry for a minute.
  • Strain and add the tamarind water and salt to taste and mix well.
  • Boil on medium flame and bring it to a jam-like consistency.

Double Horse has been in the business for providing and retaining the cultural standards for traditional breakfast mixes to spice powders from the past so many years. We use the most coveted and new age technology for preparation and packaging of our food products without any compromise on the high-quality they intend to deliver.

Read To Know : 5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes




Steamed Food Recipes for South Indian Breakfast

Steamed Food Recipes for South Indian Breakfast

Steamed food is a valid choice for everyone as it is nutrient-dense and does not require deep-frying and therefore no oil. Steaming foods will help in retaining the nutrients in the food, has zero fat and is immensely healthy. Health conscious generation is now moving forward with steamed food.

In this blog, you can find recipes for steamed foods that come from South Indian cuisine.

South Indian Steamed Breakfast Recipes

1. Idli

Idli can be considered as a staple South Indian nutritional breakfast. The serving can help an individual to lavishly stay full up until lunch time. You might require to purchase a specific utensil to make hot and steaming Idlis. Let’s take a look at the recipe:


  • 1 cup of parboiled rice, either idli rice or short grain rice.
  • 1 cup basmati rice or any other rice
  • ½ cup whole urad dal
  • ¼ cup flattened rice or poha
  • ½ tablespoon of fenugreek seeds
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil, for greasing


  • Rinse urad dal and fenugreek in water two to three times.
  • Soak urad dal, poha, and fenugreek for at least four to five hours together in one cup of water.
  • Rinse both parboiled rice and basmati rice in water 3-4 times. Soak them together in 2 cups of water or 4-5 hours.
  • Drain the excess water from urad dal and save it for the grinding process in the next step.
  • Transfer urad dal and fenugreek seeds to a mix grinder or a wet grinder.
  • Add 1 ½ reserved water in the previous step to grind the urad dal and fenugreek. The water rightly depends on the amount of urad dal taken. It will be to pour water in frequent intervals while grinding urad dal.
  • Once grinded, transfer into a large bowl.
  • The next step is to grind the soaked basmati rice and parboiled rice after draining the excess water. Grind until coarse texture.
  • Transfer this mixture to the urad dal mixture.
  • Add salt and mix it well. Keep the mixture at room temperature to ferment and keep for at least 8-10 hours. If you are living in places with cold temperatures, then leave them in the oven overnight with the oven light on.
  • Size and volume of the batter increase as it ferments.
  • Once fermented, you can take the batter in a clean ladle and pour it into the idli-making utensil and put it down for steaming.
  • Make sure you grease the utensil with little oil so that once done, idli comes off easily.
  • Cook the batter in medium flame for around 10 minutes.
  • Transfer the cooked idlis to the plate and serve chutney or sambar alongside and relish your healthy breakfast.

2. Ela Ada

Ela Ada, is a traditional recipe from God’s own country. There are similar recipes of the same in different names in other South Indian states as well.


  • 1 cup Rice flour
  • 1 ½ cups Water
  • ½ cup Fresh coconut , grated
  • ¼ cup Jaggery
  • 1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder
  • 2 tablespoons Ghee
  • 5 Banana leaf , Pieces


  • Keep a pan of water on the stove and bring it to boil. Set aside.
  • Take the rice flour into a bowl and gradually add the hot water and mix it with a wooden spoon or any other utensil. Once the mixture comes together, leave it to cool.
  • Once cooled, knead the mixture into a small soft dough and keep aside.
  • The next step is to mix grated coconut, jaggery and cardamom with hands and keep aside.
  • Take a banana leaf piece and start patting out a lemon sized dough ball with your hands.
  • Once it is evenly flattened, place a little bit of the jaggery mixture on one side of the flattened dough and fold from the other side and press lightly.
  • Place the ada on a steam cooker or idli cooker and steam it at a high flame on the stove for 10 minutes.
  • Once warm, serve it under room temperature.

3. Puttu

Puttu and Kadala curry is a warm yet stupendous combination of lip-smacking breakfast. Puttu is one of the most popular breakfast dishes in Kerala. It can be easily cooked and has very limited ingredients.


  • 1 cup rice powder
  • ¼ cup Coconut grated
  • Salt for taste
  • Water


  • Take in the rice powder or puttu powder in one bowl and add salt to taste.
  • Mix them up.
  • Once it is evenly mixed, add water little by little to reach the desired consistency which should be watery and not dry as well.
  • The utensil required to make puttu is called puttu kudam. It comes with a cylindrical part and another small bowl where the water is kept to bring that steam to cook puttu.
  • Take some water in that bowl and place it on the stove.
  • Take the puttu kudam and drop little by little of the mixture and place it on the stove for around 5- 10 minute in high flame.
  • Push it out of the cylinder part and have it alongside potato curry, black chickpea curry or even with papad.

Read To Know : Must Try Puttu Varities in Kerala

4. Idiyappam

Idiyappam or string hoppers are one of the favourite breakfasts of malayalees. The consistency of the dough of idiyappam can make or break the entire dish.

  • 2 cup rice flour / idiyappam flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3 cup water (as required)
  • 1 tsp oil


  • In a large bowl, take two cups of roasted rice flour or idiyappam flour. Add ½ tsp of salt.
  • Get a saucepan with three cups of water and bring to a boil.
  • Add the water little by little to the rice flour and slowly add in the mixture to bring it together.
  • After it turns moist, slowly knead it into a dough.
  • The dough should be soft and non-sticky.
  • Grease the idiyappam mould with oil and add a small amount into the mould.
  • Squeeze the idiyappam into a spiral shape on a greased plate.
  • Place the same in a steam cooker and steam it for 7-10 minutes.
  • Enjoy the same with a vegetable or chicken stew.

5. Ammini Kozhukattai

Ammini kozhukattai is nothing but rice flour dumplings which are thrown later into a tempering to add that crunch. You can make it spicy or sweet as per your taste.


  • ½ cup Rice flour
  • 1 cup Water
  • Salt
  • 2 tablespoons Oil

For Tempering

  • 1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon White Urad Dal (Split)
  • 1 sprig Curry leaves
  • 1 Dry Red Chilli , for garnish
  • 1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida
  • 2 teaspoon Fresh coconut , grated for garnish


  • Mix two teaspoons of rice flour into water and bring it to a rolling boil. Add ¼ tsp of salt and oil and let the rice flour boil until it thickens.
  • Add in the rest of the rice flour into it and wait for a minute or two. Now , insert a wooden ladle or spoon in the middle of the kadai and mix vigorously and make sure there are no lumps.
  • Cover and cook the same in low to medium flame for 3-4 minutes and mixing it up on an intermittent intervals. The dough should come into one big lump.
  • Switch off the flame and let the dough come back to normal room temperature.
  • Once it is at room temperature, slowly knead the dough and roll into small balls.
  • Steam these little dumplings 8-9 minutes until they are glossy.
  • In another pan, take some oil and add in every ingredient for tempering from mustard seeds to scraped coconut.
  • Mix them together with the rice balls and serve hot.

6. Kozhukattai

It is a very popular south indian dish and a healthy one. It is made from rice flour and with a mixture of Jaggery and coconut.


Rice dough

  • 1 ½ cups water
  • ¼ teaspoon ghee or oil
  • ¼ teaspoon salt or add as required
  • 1 cup Rice Flour

The mix

  • 1 ½ cups grated fresh coconut
  • 1 cup jaggery or 150 grams
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom powder
  • ½ teaspoon ghee or oil


  • Take a deep pan and place it on the stove in low flame. Add in the coconut and jaggery and mix them up.
  • Add a tsp of oil or ghee
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly and after sometime the jaggery starts to melt.
  • Now, add in the cardamom powder and mixture.
  • Cook until the moisture is removed from the jaggery. Switch off the flame. Stirring it further can cause the jaggery to harden.
  • Keep the filling aside to cool.
  • In another saucepan, bring the required water to a boil. Add in the salt and bring the water to a rolling boil.
  • Add in the rice flour in small quantities and start mixing it with water on a medium flame.
  • Once it forms a mixture, Switch off the flame.
  • Once the mixture comes back to room temperature, start kneading it into a dough.
  • After you get a soft dough, make equal balls out of it.
  • Take a ball and flatten them using your fingers and place the coconut jaggery mix in the centre and round it up.
  • Round it up into a ball and place them on the steam cooker.
  • Cook and steam for around 8-10 minutes.
  • Serve hot.

Read To Know : 5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes

5 breakfasts make in 30 minutes

5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes

Breakfasts are the most important meal of the day and also the most time-consuming to make. Being a professional and rushing to be in the office on time makes it the least-considered meal of the day as well. We all yearn for quick recipes for making breakfast healthy and tasty.

Best 5 Indian breakfast dishes you can within 30 minutes

Let’s look into some of the easiest and tastiest recipes of the lot which only take just 10 minutes to make:

1. Poha

Poha is a tasty Maharashtrian dish loved by many. It is a quickie when it comes to its prepping up and making it altogether. It doesn’t require any expertise, just the basic knowledge of cutting down the onions.

The ingredient list:

  • 2 cup poha
  • 1 cup diced potato
  • 1cup sliced onions
  • Coconut to garnish
  • ½ spoon of cumin seeds
  • Salt, according to taste
  • ½ spoon of mustard seeds
  • Curry leaves
  • 3-4 green chillies
  • ½ spoon turmeric powder
  • ½ spoon lime juice
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • Oil
  • 1 cup of water to soak the poha

Soak the poha for at least 10-15 minutes and you can do the vegetables at this time. Take a pan and heat oil in it. Once the oil is hot enough, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and curry leaves into it. After that add green chillies, turmeric powder and one cup of sliced onion and salt. Add coconut, sugar and coriander leaves into this mixture. Add the potatoes as well. The potatoes take around five minutes to cook. Once the potatoes are cooked, add in the soaked poha. Squeeze in the lime with it. Mix well and your poha is now ready to be served.

2. Chettinad Style Tomato Vermicelli Upma

It is a spicy version of the normal upma recipe which can have a good tomato chutney as the side which is definitely going to elevate your taste buds.


  • 1 cup roasted Vermicelli
  • 1 cup Pearl onions, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves Garlic, finely chopped
  • 1-inch ginger, finely chopped
  • 3 Tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup Mint Leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Fennel seeds, coarsely grinded
  • 1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns, coarsely grinded
  • 1-inch Cinnamon Stick
  • 2 Cloves
  • 1 sprig Curry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi)
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon juice
  • Oil, as required
  • Salt, to taste

Take a pan, and heat some oil in it. Once the oil is hot, add in the mustard seeds, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and curry leaves and let them sputter. For the next step, add pearl onion, ginger and garlic and roast them till an aroma comes. Once the onions are done, add in the tomatoes. Add fennel seeds, black peppercorns, turmeric powder, and red chilli powder and cook them till everything forms into a gravy texture. After this, add the vermicelli, salt, mint leaves and 1 ½ cups of water. Once done, add in the lemon juice and it’s ready to be served.

Read To Know: 8 Easy Vermicelli Breakfast Recipes

3. Onion Rava Dosa

Crispy Rava dosa is everyone’s favourite item to order when ordering out in a vegetarian restaurant. But it is an extremely simple recipe to follow and can be made in a jiffy at home.


  • 1/2 cup Roasted Rava
  • 1/2 cup Rice flour, roasted
  • 1/3 cup All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Green Chillies, finely chopped
  • 1 cup Shallots, or onions, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon Black peppercorns
  • 2 sprigs of Coriander Leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 sprig of Curry leaves, torn
  • 2 cups Buttermilk
  • 1 tablespoon Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Fresh coconut, grated
  • Salt, to taste

Take a bowl and add Rava, rice flour, all-purpose flour, green chillies, peppercorns, chopped onions, torn curry leaves, coriander leaves and coconut. Roast cumin seeds and add the same into the batter mix. Add in buttermilk little by little and make the batter watery. Keep the batter aside for 15 minutes and in the process, it will thicken up a little bit. If it becomes a little too thick, add some water to it. Take a non-stick Tawa and drizzle oil over it. Take a ladle and take some batter and slowly pour over the hot Tawa. Cover and cook for some time. Rava dosa need not be flipped over and cooked. Once both sides are done, it is ready to be served.

4. Whole Wheat Dosa

Whole wheat dosa is a filling and healthy breakfast. Its spontaneity to cook through makes it one of the most sought-after breakfast recipes.


  • 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1/2 cup Rice flour
  • 1/2 cup Onions, finely chopped
  • 1 Green Chilli, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger, grated
  • 4-5 Curry leaves, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon Asafoetida
  • 1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns, coarsely grinded
  • Salt, to taste
  • Oil, for making dosa

Take a large mixing bowl and mix whole wheat flour, rice flour, chopped onions, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, asafoetida, black pepper and salt. Add around two cups of water to make the batter consistent. It should be thinner than the regular dosa batter. Take non-stick Tawa, and pour one ladle of batter into it. The batter will pan out itself; add in a little bit of oil on the sides of the dosa. Cook the dosa on both sides. Have and relish the crispy whole wheat dosa.

5. Bread Upma

Bread is a staple food in most Indian households. Bringing in an Indian twist to the boring old and plain bread.


  • 16 Whole Wheat Brown Bread
  • 3 Tomatoes, chopped small
  • 2 Onions, sliced thin
  • 2 Green Chillies, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Sambar Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
  • 3 sprigs of curry leaves
  • Salted Butter, for cooking
  • 2 sprigs of Coriander Leaves, finely chopped

Toast the bread on a pan or a toaster and once they are toasted, butter them down and dice them up and keep them aside. Take a wok and add oil. Once the oil is heated up, add in mustard seeds and after they splutter, add the sliced onion and green chillies. Cook them till they are soft and tender. For the next step, add in the tomatoes, curry leaves, sambar powder and turmeric powder. The tomatoes should turn mushy. Add in the buttered bread pieces and a little salt and fry them on a medium flame. Once they have cooked thoroughly, garnish with coriander leaves.

These 5 Indian breakfast recipes you can make in 30 minutes are healthy and can give a twist to your boring old time-consuming breakfast recipes. Give this a shot and look forward to a healthier lifestyle.

Read To Know : Top 10 Healthy And Tasty South Indian Breakfasts

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