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Health Benefits of Basmati Rice

Health Benefits of Basmati Rice You Need To Know

Basmati rice is a staple in the Indian diet. This rice is grown in India’s desert regions, making it a good source of nutritive minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium. It’s also high in dietary fiber and has a low glycemic index. This makes it an ideal grain to have in your meal plan following a healthy diet. Moreover, basmati rice is also low-carb and gluten-free — making it an excellent choice for people with diabetes or other gluten sensitivity issues. If you’ve been wondering what the health benefits of Basmati rice are, keep reading to discover everything you need to know.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Basmati Rice

Here are the top 10 health benefits of basmati rice.

1) Contributes to brain health

Not only is basmati rice an excellent source of dietary fiber and antioxidants, but it’s also a good source of thiamine found in Vitamin B1. Thiamine is known to be an essential element responsible for maintaining brain health while eliminating the risk of a significant life-threatening disease – Wernicke encephalopathy caused due to the deficiency of Thiamine.

2) Helps In Weight Loss

As improbable as it may seem, Basmati rice can aid your weight loss journey. The fiber in Basmati rice breaks down gradually in the body, causing you to feel content for long durations and allowing you to eat less all through the day. Moreover, Basmati rice contains lesser calories than its grainy counterparts. One serving can lower the calorie count by 20 calories. Basmati rice is, therefore, an excellent choice if you’re trying to lose weight.

3) Good source of dietary fiber

Basmati rice is a better source of dietary fiber than its other rice siblings. This makes basmati rice low on the glycemic index. When you eat rice, you get a lot of fiber — a type of non-starchy vegetable gum. This is beneficial because it helps with digestive purposes, as well as cleansing your body. Fiber is also known to prevent heart disease and digestive cancers. Increased dietary fiber consumption can assist in lowering the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes.

Read To Know : How To Make Your Diet Healthier

4) Diabetic-friendly diet

Diagnosed with Diabetes but love eating rice? Worry not because Basmati rice is here to rescue you. This is due to Basmati rice’s low glycemic index, ranging between 50 to 58, which allows dietary sugars in the blood to be metabolized to glucose. You can eat Basmati rice in moderation without fluctuating your sugar levels.

5) Good for heart health

Although not a heart medication, rice is a good choice for those who want to keep a heart-healthy diet. Its richness in fiber makes it a good choice for people with heart disease. Basmati rice is associated with lowering cholesterol levels and hypertension. It’s probably time to add another serving of Basmati rice to your weekly diet.

6) Promotes digestion

Your digestive system will perform as smoothly as it should if you consume enough fiber. This also allows it to digest waste and move it out of the body while acquiring all vital nutrients and dispersing them to the appropriate body parts. Because the digestive system produces roughly 80% of the body’s immunity, a healthy intestinal system is a vital sign of overall health.

7) Rich in minerals

Because of its rich content in minerals like iron, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, and copper, you should include this in your daily diet. Given its mineral content, you can count basmati rice as one of the healthiest cereals available.

8) Nutritional value of rice

A serving of rice comes with about 210 calories. It comprises 5-6 grams of protein, 46 grams of carbs, 0.5 grams of fat, and 0 grams of sugar. Moreover, it is relatively low in cholesterol, as well as high in fiber.

Read To Know : Most Popular Rice Varieties in Kerala

9) Reduces the risk of developing Cancer cells

Diets high in fiber can help lower your chance of acquiring certain malignancies, including colorectal cancer. Consuming 3 ounces of whole grains every day can reduce the risk of developing this cancer by roughly 17%. According to certain studies, it can also lower the risk of breast cancer.

10) Regulates your blood pressure

Magnesium and potassium-rich Basmati rice have shown signs of reducing blood pressure. Potassium calms the blood vessels and enhances blood flow. It helps to improve the overall blood circulation in our body. It is recommended that you add Basmati rice to your diet if you are suffering from high blood pressure.

Summing Up

Although it’s not a “new” grain — in fact, it’s more than 2,000 years old — many people are not aware of the health advantages of basmati rice. However, after reading this article, you know that basmati rice has a lot to offer. So, what are you waiting for? Give this grain a try and see what benefits you can gain from it. Share your experiences with us because we love to hear from you.

Tips For Making Tasty and Soft Palappam

Best Tips To Make Soft and Tasty Palappam

Palappam will be the most preferred breakfast of every Keralite. It has got its name everywhere among the non-Keralites as well. Palappams are tasty pancakes or hoppers that are made from fermented rice and coconut batter. Their texture is soft and bouncy in the middle and crispy on the outer part. The preparation of this unique piece of food is similar to that of dosa batter; requires a little bit of beforehand work.

Traditional palappams consist of another legendary ingredient called “toddy” or “kallu”. Toddy is an alcoholic drink from coconut flower or palm flower, found readily in the inner parts of Kerala, with which the fermenting process of the batter is done. The fermentation process took a slight new-age deviation as the toddy is quite difficult to lay hands on in urban life. Instead, we can use the much easier and quicker version of dry active yeast or instant yeast. The fermentation time with instant is faster when compared with dry active yeast. Instant yeast is added directly to the batter and dry active yeast is first mixed with lukewarm water and then added to the batter later on.

Palappam, usually comes with the side of vegetable stew or non-vegetarian sides like mutton stew, chicken stew, chicken curry, fish molly, egg roast, and whatnot?

The ingredient list of appam is quite a simple one; rice, sugar, desiccated coconut, instant or dry yeast and salt.

The original grinding for the batter of palappam requires rice, boiled or cooked rice, and coconut; these ingredients are then blended together with water to form a soft batter. Water should be added in small quantities till a smooth batter is formed. Add the yeast and sugar and keep for fermentation at least for 8 to 10 hours. Keeping it overnight is the best option. After the fermentation is done, add a little bit more water to make the consistency of the batter a little loose. The batter is now set to make sweet, fluffy and other worldly “Palappams”.

Tips For Making Tasty and Soft Palappam

There are some quick tips that can be followed to make soft and tasty palappam:

  • Make sure to use first-quality rice for the texture, and colour and to enhance the taste of the palappams.
  • It is necessary to wash and soak the rice for 8 hours before grinding it into the batter.
  • While grinding the batter use coconut water instead of the normal plain water. If using coconut water, reduce the amount of yeast added to the mixture.
  • Adding fenugreek powder to the batter will affect the colour and texture of the palappams. Use it only if you need that flavour.
  • Refrigerating soaked rice can give you soft appams.
  • Adding cooked rice in the batter preparation can enhance the softness of the appams.
  • While pouring the batter into the vessel for fermentation, make sure to leave a little space so that the batter doesn’t ooze outside after the fermentation is done.
  • The quality of the yeast used decides the fermenting time.
  • Do not stir the batter after fermentation.
  • The batter sits well for a day or two in the fridge. Do not keep it for more than two days as it has coconut.
  • There’s no need to flip the appam and cook on the other side if cooked using appam chatti or special Kadai used for making appams.

The easier version of making palappam is available in the market which saves you time from grinding and messing with rice. It gives you directly the benefit of easy palappam with the powder consistency which has to be made into a batter with water or milk and yeast for fermentation.

Have fun cooking the most elegant food in Kerala!

Read To Know : Top 10 Healthy And Tasty South Indian Breakfasts

Must Try Puttu Varities in Kerala

Must Try Puttu Varities in Kerala

Puttu, a timeless culinary treasure from Kerala’s kitchens, is one of the healthiest breakfasts you can imagine! Puttu, which is made of steamed rice flour and grated coconut, has a distinct flavor and texture that stems from the special container in which it is steamed.

Puttu is mainly comprised of coarsely ground rice, grated coconut, and water, but it is made more interesting by replacing the main ingredient, rice powder, with Chembu (Arbi), Wheat, Cholam (Corn), Ragi, and a mix of various grains multi-grain).

1. White Puttu

Double Horse White Puttu Podi is made by combining different types of rice in a balanced combination to retain the perfect color, aroma, flavor, and taste. Double Horse white Puttu Podi is high in B complex, vitamins, and iron. It is one of the most common and beloved breakfasts of Malayalis.

2. Ragi Puttu

Kerala Style Ragi Puttu is a delicious and nutritious dish made from ragi flour and coconut and cooked in a puttu steamer. The flavor is nutty and goes well with Egg Curry or Kadala Curry.
Puttu is made by steaming rice flour, coconut, and salt in a special Puttu Maker. This recipe is a variation of the original, with the addition of ragi making it more nutritious. Serve the Ragi Puttu made from Double Horse Ragi Puttu Podi with Kerala Kadala Curry for a healthy Indian diabetic meal or with jaggery and bananas for a super tasty breakfast.

Read To Know : 10 Best Ragi Flour Recipes

3. Chemba Puttu

Traditional foods made from wheat are popular in Kerala. Double Horse Chemba Puttu Podi is made by combining various types of rice in a balanced proportion. The traditional rice puttu powder has been slightly altered to include wheat flavor. Chemba Puttu podi is a well-balanced combination of rice powder and wheat.

4. Corn Puttu

Corn flour is made from maize or corn. Corn puttu flour has a fine texture and is sometimes combined with rice flour. Maize flour is mixed with water and salt and steamed in a puttu maker with grated coconut to make tasty corn puttu, also known as maize puttu. This puttu not only has a pleasant aroma but also a pleasing appearance.
Double Horse Corn Puttu Podi flour can be easily found in any Indian grocery store or ordered online.

5. Wheat Puttu

Double Horse Wheat Puttu Podi is a traditional South Indian dish made with whole wheat, coconut, and sugar. This authentic South Indian delicacy is a perfect balance of sugar cooked with coconut and wheat, making this easy Wheat Puttu recipe a healthy option to satisfy those unexpected sweet cravings. Puttu can be prepared in a variety of ways, one of which is to serve it as a sweet dish.

Read To Know : What Are The Health Benefits of Wheat?

6. Black Rice (Kavuni Arisi) Puttu

Black rice puttu is a delicious breakfast made with black rice/Kavuni Arisi that originated in Chettinadu cuisine. In Tamil, it is also known as Kavuni Arisi or Karuppu Arisi. This rice is well-known for its high nutritional content, particularly the antioxidants that give it its color. Kavuni Arisi puttu is a popular dish made from this rice variety.

Read To Know : Most Popular Rice Varieties in Kerala

7. Rava Puttu

Rava Puttu is a tasty breakfast or evening snack made from semolina and grated coconut. Puttu is a traditional Kerala dish made from roasted rice flour. This is a semolina-based variation. Rava Puttu is a delicious and soft dish that pairs well with Kadala Curry. You can serve a healthy breakfast dish with any side dish of your choice. This is one of the simplest dishes to prepare and requires very few ingredients.

8. Aval Puttu

Aval is one of Lord Krishna’s favorite foods. Aval Puttu is a simple sweet that can be made as an offering to Lord Krishna. Aval Puttu is made with aval (poha), jaggery, grated coconut, and cashews. This dish is very simple to prepare and can be stored for 2-3 days.

9. Bamboo Rice (Moongil Arisi) Puttu

Moongil Arisi, also known as Bamboo rice, is made from the seeds of a dying bamboo shoot. As a result, it is extremely rare. Bamboo rice is easily available in supermarkets these days, though it is a bit expensive. This has incredible health benefits as well, so try incorporating bamboo rice in the form of puttu into your diet.

10. Malabar Erachi puttu

The people of Kerala’s Malabar region have created this delicious Erachi Puttu for all non-vegetarians. It is created by layering minced meat masala with puttu. It is indeed a very delicious non-vegetarian delicacy in Kerala.

Wrapping up

Puttu and kadala curry have been named the healthiest breakfast in Kerala by nutritionists. According to them, the combination of carbs is excellent. Since it is steamed, it not only retains nutrients but is also a good source of energy. The finely ground rice powder mixed with grated coconut and steamed is such a nostalgic touch of our culture.

If you are looking for the best puttupodi brand in Kerala, then you can choose Double Horse confidently. Check our website to know more about our products.

Feel free to contact us for your enquiries.

Read To Know : 8 Easy Vermicelli Breakfast Recipes

How To Make Your Diet Healthier

How To Make Your Diet Healthier

It’s all about balance when it comes to eating well. It’s fine to have sweets for dinner or a nice slice of cake for teatime every now and then – sweets are part of life – but it’s also crucial to recognize when we’ve gone too far. It’s crucial to remember that the majority of our diet should be made up of balanced, nutritious everyday foods, therefore indulgent foods should be consumed and savored only on rare occasions. Make eating healthily a priority in your life, and let it bring your family and friends closer together. Learn to appreciate how it makes you feel and how tasty it is, and keep in mind that a well-balanced diet and regular exercise are the keys to living a healthy lifestyle.

To support your journey towards better health, View our Nutritional supplements as a valuable addition to your diet. These supplements can help fill any gaps and provide essential nutrients that might be missing from your meals. By combining a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and high-quality supplements, you can create a holistic approach to wellness that promotes vitality and fosters a healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

It’s true that enjoying treats in moderation is part of a healthy approach to eating. When it comes to finding recipes that satisfy both taste and nutrition, options like Gluten free articles often emphasize the importance of balance and variety in our meals. Whether you’re exploring new flavors or sticking to beloved family favorites, incorporating wholesome ingredients can elevate any dish. By focusing on whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you can create meals that nourish both body and soul.

1. Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day since it allows the body to prepare for the rest of the day. Before leaving the house, make sure you have a nutritious and filling breakfast.

Read To Know: Top 10 Healthy And Tasty South Indian Breakfasts

2. Eat lots of fruits and veggies

This is one of the most crucial dietary practices. Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber) and can help you maintain a healthy weight by keeping you full for longer periods of time.

3. Greens

Experiment with lettuce colors other than brilliant and dark green. Kale, mustard greens, broccoli, and cabbage are just a few of the many choices, all of which are high in calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.

4. Sweet vegetables

Corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, yams, onions, and squash are naturally sweet vegetables that give a healthful sweetness to your meals while also reducing your desire for additional sweets.

5. Fruits

Fruit is a delicious and filling source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Berries combat cancer, apples are high in fiber, oranges and mangos are high in vitamin C, and so on.

6. Eat more fish

Fish (especially fatty fish like mackerel and salmon) should be eaten at least twice a week. This superfood, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, benefits brain and heart health while also lowering the risk of diseases including Alzheimer’s, dementia, and diabetes.

7. Stay hydrated

The golden guideline for staying fit is to drink enough water. Always have a bottle with you and make it a habit to drink water every hour. This keeps the body hydrated. Proper hydration throughout the day also helps in the treatment of cravings that can be difficult to resist at times.

8. Limit sugar intake

Sugar is harmful to our teeth, but it also raises the risk of unhealthy weight gain and obesity, which can lead to serious, chronic health problems.
It’s crucial to pay attention to the amount of “hidden” sugars in processed foods and beverages, just as it is with salt. A can of soda, for example, might have up to 10 teaspoons of added sugar!

Read To Know : Jaggery: Health Benefits You Should Know

9. Include enough proteins in your meals

Proteins are essential for the body and should be consumed regularly. Some protein-rich foods include broccoli, soybeans, lentils, asparagus, and spinach. Protein can also be found in low-fat dairy products. Make sure you have enough protein in your body every day.

10. Plan your meals

It may seem that planning your meals for the week ahead is a pain, but it will help you set your intentions and make it simpler to make healthy choices even when you are busy. It may also save money by lowering the likelihood of purchasing takeout due to a lack of food in the house.
Make a shopping list based on the meals and snacks you plan to consume, and only purchase what is on the list. Make sure you get at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables each day.

11. Read the labels

In food and drink, look for saturated fat, sugar, and salt concentrations, as well as suggested portion sizes. The nutrition label on the top of a package might help you figure out what’s in the food you’re buying.

12. Eat small meals

Eat three meals and snacks each day. Waiting too long to eat increases your chances of making bad eating choices. Keep emergency snacks in your purse or bag.

13. Limit alcohol intake

Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories but has no nutritional benefit. A light beer, a glass of wine, or an ounce of liquor all contain approximately 100 calories. Alcohol consumption may potentially cause health issues.

14. Avoid taking soft drinks and fast foods

Fast food, while satisfying your taste buds, is often harmful to your health. It could be unclean and high in dangerous fats like trans fats. Carbonated soft drinks also contain a lot of sugar, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and tooth cavities.

15. Get enough sleep

How well we learn, grow, and perform in life is influenced by the quality of our sleep. Our bodies have the opportunity to mend themselves while we sleep. Therefore, getting enough sleep is very important when leading a healthy lifestyle.

16. Get cooking

Cooking more meals at home allows you to be more in control of what you eat and better manage what goes into your diet. You’ll consume fewer calories and avoid the chemical additives, extra sugar, and unhealthy fats found in takeaway foods, which can make you feel bloated and irritable, and increase depression, stress, and anxiety symptoms.

To make sure you eat healthy nutrition-filled food in your fast-paced busy life, Double Horse being the best food brand in Kerala brings to you instant food mixes which are abundant in nutrients, calcium and proteins. With our instant fixes, you no longer have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking a hearty breakfast for your family, instead, you can whip up a quick meal that your family not only likes but enjoys as well.

Our instant mix is manufactured under the supervision of our quality inspectors using the highest quality ingredients supplied from a reputable and reliable vendor in the market.

Feel free to contact us for your inquiries.



8 Easy Vermicelli Breakfast Recipes

Is there anything more satisfying than a bowl of noodles? Perhaps, a bowl of healthy vermicelli is a good option, especially for fitness enthusiasts! Vermicelli is a thinner version of pasta with origins in Italy, Asia, and even Mexico. It is a healthier alternative to pasta or noodles because it is made from refined flour or rice, and it is a popular choice among children.

Vermicelli is widely popular around the world, with a variety of dishes prepared in various parts of the world. The best part is that vermicelli has no flavor of its own, making it a versatile food that absorbs the flavor of the ingredients with which it is cooked. These vermicelli dishes are not only delicious for breakfast, but also as a snack with your evening tea or coffee. These dishes can also be packed in your child’s lunch box, as they enjoy vermicelli with any South Indian chutney or raita of their choice.

8 Easy Breakfast Recipes With Vermicelli

We’ve compiled a list of 8 yummy, inviting, and mouthwatering vermicelli recipes that you can make for your morning breakfast.

1. Vermicelli Upma

The classic upma is one of the most popular breakfast options in Indian kitchens because it is not only simple but also quick to prepare. Aside from being nutritionally dense and oh-so-delicious, this vermicelli upma is light, healthy, and flavorful, making it a perfect dish to start your day with.

2. Vermicelli Biryani

We all enjoy biryani, which consists of rice, vegetables, and masalas. But what about vermicelli biryani? It’s a quick and simple one-pot meal that can be served for breakfast or dinner. It’s also a great option for a lunchbox. Unlike rice, it is a light meal that will not put you to sleep in the afternoon. It also contains a medley of vegetables, making it even healthier.

3. Semolina and Vermicelli Idlis

Idlis made from semolina or vermicelli are very popular in Karnataka, where they are made in such large molds that one idli suffices for breakfast! The tempering enhances the aroma, while the cashews provide a crunchy contrast in each mouthful. To make the batter more nutritious, add some boiled vegetables and coriander.

4. Ragi Vermicelli/Semiya

It’s a fantastically healthy breakfast option, especially for those who enjoy hot, savory breakfasts to start the day. One of the most delicious ways to incorporate Ragi into your diet is with this Ragi Vermicelli Recipe. It’s ideal for breakfast, a kiddie snack box, an after-school snack, or even evening tiffins for adults and children alike, and it’s made even healthier with the addition of vegetables. Ragi Vermicelli tends to become mushy very quickly after cooking, so steam it rather than boiling it and then sautéing it with vegetables and spices.

5. Steamed Vietnamese Vermicelli

Try this refreshing, light, and flavorful noodle dish at home. This vermicelli dish is a Vietnamese specialty that your children will enjoy. A healthy noodle dish made with vermicelli and packed with veggies like carrot and broccoli, cooked in a variety of flavorful spices and chilies, will undoubtedly tempt your taste buds.

6. Mushroom and Vermicelli Soup

Because rice vermicelli is thinner than noodles, it adds a unique texture to this fantastic, Oriental-style soup, which features sautéed mushrooms, ginger, spring onions, and other flavor and texture enhancers.
It is important to note that the vermicelli does not need to be cooked separately; it will cook perfectly alongside the other ingredients when the Mushroom and Vermicelli Soup are brought to a boil.

7. Egg Idiyappam

When it comes to breakfast, everyone loves eggs, but how about adding eggs to Vermicelli? The Egg Idiyappam Recipe is a filling breakfast that combines rice string hoppers, scrambled eggs, and spices. The rice noodles are simple to prepare and digest, making it a well-balanced breakfast or tea-time snack. The addition of egg in this recipe adds flavor to the dish and even improves the taste.

8. Noodles with Singapore Curry Vermicelli

Singapore Curry Vermicelli Noodles are another quick dish that only takes 20 minutes! The thin and springy rice vermicelli noodles are seasoned with curry and served with tender juicy chicken and sautéed vegetables! It’s quick, delicious, and simple to prepare!

With so many creative vermicelli recipes to choose from, this humble ingredient may become one of your kitchen favorites! And with Double Horse instant mix, you can whip up a breakfast that is not only quick and easy but also very nutritious, one that your children can’t get enough of!

Being the best food brand in India, Double Horse continues to deliver only the best to its customers. We process, package and export some of the finest grade rice and rice products with the highest nutritional value.


Read To Know : Top 10 Healthy And Tasty South Indian Breakfasts

Must Try Special Vishu Dishes

Must Try Vishu Special Dishes

Vishu is almost here, and we can’t wait to eat some delicious food! For those who are unaware, the beginning of the Zodiac New Year is known as Vishu in Kerala. It is a day when Lord Vishnu is prayed to and the New Year is welcomed with open arms. This day is marked by a number of traditions, one of which is the ‘grand Vishu lunch.’

Food is very important in the Vishu celebration, and Keralites, like other communities, are extremely proud of their heritage of exciting cuisine on this day. The feasts held during Vishu are known as ‘Sadhya’

Vishu Special Dishes You Must Try

Kerala cuisine bursting with flavor is known for its unique spice blend. If you’re planning a Vishu feast at home, here are some scrumptious recipes to get you started.


Looking for a traditional Vishu snack? Unniyappam is the correct answer! Many people enjoy sweet fritters made with rice, banana, jaggery, and coconut.

Kootu curry

This fine kootu curry dish will delight your taste buds. This traditional sadya curry is a thick curry-based dish made with roasted coconut and a few veggies- yam, plantain, and black chickpeas. This is a delicious non-spicy, slightly sweet side dish that goes well with steamed rice.


This dish is a seasonal one because it is made with mangoes. It is difficult to pronounce but one of the best of a Vishu meal. It has a soup-like texture and a sweet and sour flavor. Mampazhappulissery can be eaten on its own or with rice. Because mango is a seasonal fruit, this dish is one of the most popular during this season.

Palada payasam

Palada Payasam is a must-try sweet delicacy from Kerala that is served during festivals such as Onam and Vishu, as well as special occasions. In Kerala, the traditional Sadya served during festivals such as Onam and Vishu, as well as on special occasions, is incomplete without a variety of Payasams and Pradhaman.

Palada Payasam is made with rice ada (cooked rice flakes), milk, and sugar, whereas Palada Pradhaman/Ada Pradhaman is made with rice ada, coconut milk, and jaggery. The sweet Palada Payasam made from Double Horse Palada can take your taste buds to another level.

Read To Know : Top 5 Payasams in Kerala

Mango pachadi

This cracker dish is as simple as a wink and features an addictive combination of mango, coconut milk, and shallots. A vehemently Keralite dish seasoned with coconut oil and mustard seeds, this delectableness adds a punch to traditional feasts.


No Kerala feast or sadya would be complete without this traditional dish. It is one of the most popular Keralite delicacies. It’s a thick mixture of different vegetables, ash gourd, curd, and grated coconut, seasoned with coconut oil and curry leaves, served as an accompaniment to rice. According to Hindu mythology, Bhima invented this mixed vegetable preparation during their exile period.


Another must-try Kerala delicacy. It’s a delectable dish made with ash gourds and cowpeas, coconut milk, coconut oil, and fresh curry leaves.

Vishu ada

On the auspicious day of Vishu, the auspicious Vishukani is backed by the ceremonial Vishu ada; it is the best start you could ask for on a glorious day.


Prepare to eat these rice flour and jaggery pancakes fried in ghee whenever you visit the state in April. They are made ahead of time to be arranged with Vishu Kani, a collection of auspicious things that can be seen when one opens his eyes on the day of the Vishu festival. Also great as one of the best tea snacks.

Vishu is the epitome of a Kerala celebration, with its beautiful aesthetics and understated elegance. It has the same elegance and harmony as a traditional Kerala Hindu wedding. That’s not the only thing in common. It’s also the Sadhya! For beginners, preparing the sadhya can be a bit challenging. However, with Double Horse instant mixes, you can enjoy a hassle-free sadhya made at home in just 20 minutes.

Made with the finest ingredients, these delicious Kerala dishes prepared with Double Horse, the most trusted food brand in Kerala, will make this festive season even grander and mouth-watering.

Most Popular Rice Varieties in Kerala

Most Popular Rice Varieties in Kerala

Rice is the major agricultural product and most consumed food grain in Kerala. Unlike the North Indian states, where wheat is a more popular food grain, Keralites are known to consume rice two to three times a day. Furthermore, rice is the main ingredient for snacks, delicacies and breakfast food items like Idli, Dosa, Puttu etc.

People have different tastes, therefore, different choices when it comes to the selection of rice. Some prefer Jaya, some other Surekha, many others Matta etc. The choice differs depending on the food habits. Double Horse is known for offering the best quality rice and rice products. We have been serving the customers with the most popular varieties of rice in Kerala. Check out the rice varieties offered by Double Horse and choose your favorite one.

Rice Varieties in Kerala


1. Long Grain Boiled Basmati Rice

Ideal for Biryani, the long grain basmati rice has an aroma that you cannot resist. The best quality basmati rice would further elongate on preparation and would remain unbroken. Having an appealing look, and appetizing taste, Basmati rice is preferred for biryani, fried rice etc. Double Horse Chefmate long grain boiled basmati rice is the best choice for preparing biryani at home, for functions and special occasions. You will not try any other basmati rice brand once you taste this special Chefamate long grain basmati rice from Double Horse.

2. Kuruva Rice / Cherumani Rice

The small and tasty Kuruva rice is preferred by many for sadya or feast, lunch at home and at restaurants. You can buy the best quality Kuruva rice from Double Horse, cultivated from selected high-quality crops. The Double Horse Cherumani Rice would satiate your taste buds. Your stomach might get filled but your heart would yearn for more.

3. Jeerakasala Rice/ Kaima Rice

Ever thought about why the Thalasseri biryani or Malabar biryani is so tasty making you want more. It is the magic of the aromatic, flavorsome, Kaima rice (Jeerakasala Rice) that makes the biryani more delightful. Different from basmati rice, Kaima rice is small in appearance. However, it has a special flavor that would entice your taste buds. Once you prepare biryani with Double Horse Jeerakasala Rice, you will never think of trying any other rice.

4. Jaya Rice

Good for daily use, Jaya rice is one of the most popular rice varieties in Kerala. Selected food grains, cleaned, examined and packed hygienically are what make Double Horse Jaya Rice the best option compared to others. The Jaya rice free of dust, dirt and chemicals offers you a tasty and healthy diet. You are always welcome to visit our production, processing and packing center to witness our state-of-the-art technology to provide safe food products to our customers.

5. Vadi Matta Rice

The Palakkad Vadi matta rice is another variety that you would find at many homes and restaurants. The taste, appearance and health benefits make it a preferred choice for marriage sadya, temple feast etc. Double Horse Jyothi Vadi Matta Rice undergoes a series of cleaning and processing to remove all the dust and dirt. The selected vadi matta rice grains are packed exclusively for you to have a healthy and savory feast.

6. Surekha Rice

Surekha is another common rice variant used at home. The easy-to-cook rice variant is more preferred by employed people. However, one must consider Surekha rice only from reliable brands. For it to be the best quality, clean and hygienic. Choose Double Horse Surekha Rice if you are looking for hygienically prepared and packed Surekha Rice in Kerala.

7. Palakkadan Matta Rice

The Vadi matta rice is long grain whereas the Palakkadan matta rice is a small grain. Healthy brown rice is fiber-rich and nutritious. It is the first choice of health-conscious individuals. Containing protein, carbohydrates, Vitamins and other nutrients, the Palakkadan Matta Rice is a widely popular choice in Kerala. Double Horse Palakkadan Matta Rice is available in 2kg, 5kg, and 10 kg packets for you to choose from.

8. Sona Masoori Rice

Sona Masoori is export-quality rice that is considered for a weight loss diet regime. The easily digestible rice has been considered by people observing dieting. The easy to cook Sona Masoori rice is exported to many countries. Double Horse Sona Masoori Rice is the best for pulao, lemon rice, curd rice etc. The brand is known for high-quality processing and packing, which is fully automated to avoid any kind of hygiene issues. You might become an ardent lover of Sona Masoori once you try this out.

9. Matta Broken Rice

Especially used for gruel, matta broken rice is tasty and easily digestible. Double Horse Matta Broken Rice is the right choice if you want clean and safe rice. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals and is advised for patients.

10. Payasam Broken Rice

How about a tasty and healthy payasam or kheer? Get the Double Horse Payasam broken rice if you want a luscious payasam. You can also order payasam broken rice online.

Double Horse – The Most Trusted Food Brand of Kerala

Double Horse stands tall on the legacy created through quality and taste. Starting as a single rice mill in the late 50s, the Manjila Group became the number one agro product brand in a short time. We export food grains, spices, food products, instant mixes etc to several foreign destinations. The love and support from the esteemed customers are what helps us maintain the top spot among the food brands.

We assure you the best quality rice, rice products, spices, pickles and other food products. Do check out our product range and order.

Feel free to contact us for your queries.


Top 10 Healthy And Tasty South Indian Breakfasts

South Indian cuisine, which includes dishes from Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, is recognized for its brilliant colors, incredible flavor, and a range of sweet, sour, and spicy flavors. Common dishes served are Dosa, Idli, Appam (rice crepes), Pathiri, Chapati, (steamed rice flour), Poori (rice or wheat flatbreads), PuttuIdiyappam (steamed rice noodles) etc. These dishes are served with vegetarian or meat curries, chutneys, stews, and other side dishes.

Top 10 South Indian Breakfasts

If you’re tired of eating the same things every day, try these South Indian breakfasts to keep your taste senses stimulated. Take a look at some of South India’s most popular breakfast dishes.

1. Idli

Idli is a traditional South Indian breakfast dish that is very nutritious. These soft, light, fluffy idlis served with sambar and coconut chutney are perhaps Kerala’s most famous dish, and are enjoyed not only among Keralites but also across India! Idlis made with Double Horse Idli Mix are well-known among foodies not only for their flavor but also for the health benefits they offer.

2. Dosa

This crisp, silky pancake is made from rice batter that is served with sambar and chutneys. It’s high in carbohydrates and proteins, but it’s low in sugar and saturated fat. The mouth-savoring Double Horse Dosa Mix is made from fermented rice and lentils. It is, without a doubt, the best meal in Kerala.

3. Uppuma

Uppuma is a delicious breakfast meal made with Rava or sooji. It entails soaking roasted Rava in water flavored with ghee, cashews, urad dal, chana dal, onion, ginger, and other herbs and spices before cooking. Fibre, vitamins, and healthy fats are all found in a bowl of Upma. Uppuma made from Double Horse Roasted Rava powder is an extremely healthy meal as it is low in cholesterol and calories.

4. Appam

Appam is known by a variety of names, including Palappam, Kallappam, Velayappam, and so on. You can easily prepare this delicacy with the help of Double Horse Palappam Mix. Appam is typically made in a mold called an appa chatty, in which the batter is rolled thin. The middle of the appam will gradually become thicker and softer, with a faint brown hue. This appam is typically served with a potato, chicken, duck, or mutton stew.

5. Puttu

Puttu, which means “portioned” in Malayalam, is made of steamed ground rice cylinders stacked with coconut shavings and sometimes a sweet or savory filling on the inside. The puttu made with Double Horse Puttu Podi is a true all-rounder that may be used in a variety of ways. It’s commonly served with a curry of Kadala (black chickpeas) or moong dal. It can also be enjoyed with ripe banana, jackfruit, or fish curry, whatever you prefer!

6. Idiyappam

String hoppers called idiyappam or nool puttu are a favorite breakfast in Kerala. Idiyappam made using Double Horse Instant Idiyappam mix is soft and silky and goes well with a curry or any side dish of your choices, such as Veg Korma, Mushroom Korma, Vegetable Stew, or Kadala Curry.
It’s also known as ready-to-eat rice noodles and can be prepared in a few minutes using Double Horse Easy Idiyappam Powder.

7. Poori

Poori is an Indian deep-fried bread prepared from unleavened whole-wheat flour. It’s good for breakfast, a snack, or a light dinner. Puris are made using atta or sooji. Ajwain, cumin seed, spinach, or fenugreek seeds are sometimes added to the Double Horse Chakki Fresh Atta in several recipes.

Poori is usually served for breakfast in southern India, and it is rarely served with non-vegetarian foods on the east coast (Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu). Pickles, chutneys, dal masalas, potato masalas, and gourd curry are frequently served alongside them.

8. Rice Sevai

Rice vermicelli, often known as rice noodles, is a favorite of many people. In the South, it’s known as “rice sevai” or “idiyappam.” Idli and dosa have been replaced on our morning table by this popular breakfast or tiffin meal. Rice sevai can be used to make lemon sevai, tomato sevai, coconut sevai, masala sevai, rice sevai kheer, tamarind sevai, and many more classic South Indian dishes. You can cook a quick breakfast in no time with Double Horse Rice Sevai.

9. Pathiri

Pathiri is a fluffy rice flour bread popular in Kerala’s coastal Malabar area. This bread is produced by combining rice flour with warm water in the dough and rolling it out into thin flat dough discs on a Tawa. Serve this tasty chappatis made with Double Horse Easy Pathiri Powder with a spicy veggie curry or beef or mutton curry for non-vegetarians.

10. Uttappam

Uttapam is a common South Indian breakfast dish made from dosa batter, onions, green chilies, coriander, and garam masala. For those searching for a low-fat breakfast, Uttapam made from Double Horse Dosa Mix is an excellent choice. Vegetable Uttapam and Oats Uttapam are a couple of the other variants.

The method, importance, minerals, and health advantages associated with traditional South Indian food have made it more popular around the world. But preparing the batter for these dishes takes a lot of time. Today’s fast-paced lifestyles rarely allow us to prepare a delectable and complicated meal from scratch. There’s no denying that it’s a time-consuming process that starts with the creation of a long list of components, then the search for those ingredients, and finally the never-ending cooking process.

But with the help of Double Horse Easy and Instant Mixes, these healthy breakfast dishes can be prepared in no time. These Instant Mixes from Double Horse are easy to make, flavorful, and nutritious.

Contact us today, if you are looking for the most trusted food brand in Kerala.

Eating Habits Affect Your Health

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Health?

Enriching the quality of life is a goal everyone intends to achieve. A major part of achieving this goal lies in healthy eating. Eating healthy is all about following a balanced diet, cutting out junk food, and keeping an eye on your calorie intake. Not to be obsessed about your calorie intake, but you need to ensure that the energy you consume through the food you eat balances out the energy you spend doing different activities throughout the day. There are many ways how your eating habits affect your health.

In addition to maintaining a balanced diet, incorporating nutritional supplements can further enhance one’s well-being. Incorporating liposomal supplements, for instance, offers a convenient and efficient way to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients. These supplements utilize advanced delivery systems to encapsulate nutrients in lipid bubbles, allowing for improved absorption in the body. Whether it’s vitamin C, B12, or omega-3 fatty acids, liposomal supplements provide a concentrated dose of nutrients that can support various bodily functions.

By complementing a healthy diet with these targeted supplements, individuals can optimize their nutritional intake and promote overall health and vitality. Let us explore how you can improve your health by regulating your eating habits

1. Do not skip breakfast

Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day for a reason. Some belief in skipping breakfast as part of their diet to reduce weight. But this can actually cause the opposite effect. Try to have a healthy breakfast rich in protein, high fiber carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. With the availability of healthy instant breakfast food mixes in the market, preparing breakfast is no longer a chore.

2. Cut down on sugar

Sugar is one of the biggest villains that contribute to a horde of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay. Most processed foods and sweets contain large amounts of sugar which are over and above the required daily limit. Cutting down on sugar and replacing it with alternatives like brown sugar or jaggery goes a long way in ensuring that you lead a healthier lifestyle.

3. Use less salt

Regular intake of high amounts of salt in your diet can contribute to many lifestyle conditions like blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke. The ideal salt intake for adults is 6mg per day. Try to cut down on salt by limiting the consumption of processed foods and saturated fats.

4. Drink plenty of water

Water is the elixir of life and is a major component of helping you lead a healthy and happy life. Adults are recommended to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day over and above the fluids they get from solid foods. Staying hydrated can solve many health conditions in our day-to-day lives.

5. Cut down on processed foods

Processed foods are high in added sugars, salt, saturated fats and processed carbohydrates, all of which are detrimental to your health and wellbeing. Cutting down processed foods from your diet can prove to be an invaluable change to your overall health. Consuming brown rice instead of regular rice is one way of ensuring a healthier way of life.

6. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet

Green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits can add much-needed nutrients and vitamins to your diet. Adults are recommended to consume at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day in different forms.

How Eating Habits Affect Your Health

Following these eating habits can be beneficial to your body and mind in myriad ways while at the same time warding off diseases and illnesses as well. Here are a few ways in which how your eating habits affect your health:

1. Reduce Risk of Cancer

Eating healthy is vital for preventing a horde of diseases and illnesses, cancer being one of them. Consumption of foods rich in antioxidants can help prevent cancer to a large extent. Blueberries, raspberries, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all enriched with antioxidants aplenty; including these in your diet can help lower the risk of different types of cancers.

2. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Various cardiovascular issues can be kept at bay if you incorporate lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits in your day-to-day lives. Try to include foods rich in fiber, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits, limit the intake of processed sugars and eat more low-fat dairy products which can reduce hypertension and improve cardiac health.

3. Gut Health

You can improve gut health by including fiber-rich foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes which in turn would provide prebiotics and probiotics that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. By improving gut health you can also regulate your bowel movement and reduce the chances of bowel cancer.

4. Weight Loss

Maintaining a healthy weight is possible only by regulating your eating habits and following an active lifestyle. More than exercise, eating healthy plays a bigger role in weight loss. A diet rich in fiber and lean proteins, without the intake of processed foods and sugars, make people feel more full after a meal which provides necessary nutrients without the additional calorie intake

Eating healthy need not be a difficult task if you have the right products and foods around. With a health-conscious brand like Double Horse, you can be assured of eating healthy and nutritious food without having to resort to high-calorie processed foods that strip you of your health and wellness. Choose from a wide range of instant foods, breakfast mixes, health mixes, spices, and products from Double Horse, the most trusted food brand in Kerala, on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

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